Counting on You

A complete and accurate U.S. 2020 Census count is critical for our state and local communities to receive billions of dollars in Federal funding for programs and infrastructure you value most. From healthcare centers to nutrition assistance, school funding, libraries, roads, EMS services, and more, our communities benefit when every person is counted. 

For each person not counted, our community stands to lose $1,400 a year in critical programs that support our state and local communities. That’s why it’s critical to #CareAbouttheCount. 

Census Tips:

• Every household will receive a mailing from the U.S. Census Bureau with instructions on how to fill out the census. If a household does not respond, a census taker may visit.
• The census form contains 9 questions, only takes 10 minutes to complete and can be filled out online or over the phone.
• Everyone should be counted wherever they live or sleep most of the time on April 1, 2020, even if the living arrangement is temporary or the parents of the child do not live there. 
• This includes newborn babies and very young children. Newborns should be counted even if they are still in the hospital on April 1st. 
• If a child splits time equally between two homes, count them where they stayed or will stay on Census Day, April 1. The child should not be counted at both homes.
• Visit to learn more about what questions are asked and to complete your census. 

Thank you for helping every person be counted! | #CentralIllinoisCounts | #CareAbouttheCount

Funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services. The contents are solely the responsibility of the author.