On Wednesday, July 29th, 2020, the IHSA Board modified the Return to Activities to reflect the following:
Fall (August 10, 2020 – October 24, 2020)
Boys & Girls Golf
- Groups of 50 or less where multiple groups are distanced a minimum of 30 ft apart. Competitions should be within an Illinois COVID Region or within a conference.
Winter (November 16, 2020 – February 13, 2021)
Boys & Girls Basketball
Spring (February 15, 2021 – May 1, 2021)
Girls Volleyball
Boys Soccer
Summer (May 3, 2021 – June 26, 2021)
Boys & Girls Track
- Contest can begin on May 17
- Maximum of 2 events per week (exception: baseball/softball can play 3 games in a given week if one of the events is a double-header)
- Spectators and group gatherings subject to IDPH guidelines during this time.
- State Series TBA
Prior to each sports season, the IDPH and the Governor’s Office will meet to determine the risk level at that time and determine if permission will be granted to participate in the given sports season.
Additional News:
Last week, the Illinois Elementary School Association (IESA) canceled both the boy’s baseball season and girl’s softball season. However, after today’s announcement by Governor Pritzker and the IHSA Board, the IESA is reviewing all of their information.
Questions? Contact tmorgan@mtpulaski.k12.il.us