We are excited to announce the appointment of Heather Fricke as the Mt. Pulaski High School Principal for the 2021-2022 school year. She will be filling the vacancy created by the retirement of Principal Terry Morgan. An Elkhart native, she attended Elkhart Grade School and graduated from Mt. Pulaski High School. She attained an undergraduate degree in Secondary Education at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. In her 23 years in public education, Heather has taught a variety of science courses ranging from grades 7 through 12 for the school districts of Riverton, Williamsville, and Mt. Pulaski. During her first ten years of teaching, she attained a Master of Science degree in Instructional Design and Technology from Western Illinois University. Heather has served as the Technology Coordinator for MPCUSD 23 since 2009. In May of 2020, she completed a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership with a principal endorsement from the University of Illinois at Springfield.
Heather married Nathan Fricke and they have two children, Ben and Jackson. Ben is studying business and playing baseball in his sophomore year at Spoon River College. Jackson is a sophomore at Mt. Pulaski High School. During the summer, their family travels to various baseball tournaments throughout the Midwest. The family resides in Mt. Pulaski and enjoys being active members of the Mt. Pulaski Christian Church.
Heather has demonstrated leadership abilities by working with students of various age groups, as well as teachers at varying levels. She has created a positive learning environment for her students over the last 23 years and cherishes the relationships she has built with staff, students, and community members. She is extremely excited for this opportunity to continue serving MPCUSD 23 as the next high school principal.
We are excited to welcome Mrs. Fricke as our incoming Principal at MPHS!