Congratulations to Alyson Murphy!!! 1A All-State Team - 3rd Team! We are proud of you!
2 days ago, Sarah Cooper
GBB All-State Team Recognition Flyer
Fresh-Soph Boys Basketball Tournament Continues Tomorrow!
2 days ago, Sarah Cooper
3-8 Fr-Soph BBB Tournament Flyer
Happy Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day! We are thankful to have you both here at Mt. Pulaski!!
2 days ago, Sarah Cooper
Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day Flyer
As a reminder, all yearbook orders must be completed online! There is no ordering and paying in the office. Be sure to get your yearbook ordered before the shop closes: If you are unsure if you ordered your yearbook already, search your email for an order confirmation from "Jostens." You can also call Jostens at 1-877-767-5217. We are unable to verify orders in the office. There will be no re-orders once the shop closes, so be sure not to miss out!
2 days ago, Mrs. Fricke
Prom will be here before you know it! The Lincoln Womans' Club and Moms Who Care are having a Prom Dress Giveaway. See the flyer for information on where & when you can pick up FREE prom dresses & accessories!
3 days ago, Sarah Farris
Moms who care prom dress giveaway flyer
Fresh-Soph Boys Basketball Game Tonight!
3 days ago, Sarah Cooper
3-6 Fr-So BBB Game Flyer
Math Problem of the Week Winner Week #23- Congratulations to Brennon Wilkins! Congratulations to our February Casey's Gift Card Winner - Vincent Tabor!
4 days ago, Sarah Cooper
Math Problem of the Week
There is a sign up sheet for those interested in Cheerleading for the 2025-26 school year in the office. You must sign up and pick up your tryout packet from Mrs. Cooper by Friday, March 14th. Cheer Clinic will be on Monday, March 31st and Tuesday, April 1st at MPHS from 3:30-6:30pm. Tryouts will be on Wednesday, April 2nd and Thursday, April 3rd from 3:30 to 5:00pm.
4 days ago, Sarah Cooper
Cheer Tryout Flyer
Fresh/Soph Boys Basketball Tournament Continues This Week.
6 days ago, Sarah Cooper
Fr/So BBB Tournament Flyer
Attention all parents! Please consider taking the 5Essentials survey as a parent/guardian of a student in our school. We use the data from the parent report to help improve our school. Without ample parent participation, we do not receive data back to act on. Your opinions matter and we want to use your opinions to improve our school! We are looking for at least 25% parent participation. Right now we have had 12% of our parents respond. Thanks to everyone who has filled out the survey so far. We still need some more input though! Every parent/guardian is allowed to take the survey! The survey window will close on March 28, 2025, so please plan survey administration accordingly. Link for parents to take the survey: If you have specific questions about the survey, please call 5Essentials Client Services at 1-866-440-1874. You can skip the "email" blank (if you choose) upon sign in as well. Thank you for helping us make our school a better place. Sincerely, Principal Heather Fricke
6 days ago, Mrs. Fricke
Parent Feedback Needed
Last night was our final Scholastic Bowl meet of the year. All 8 Conference Teams were in attendance. Due to the musical having their final practice, we were down 10 team members. We had a rough start to the evening losing to Illini Bluffs, but quickly rebounded with a win against Delavan. Our final match was against Athens to find out which team would be the highest scoring team in the conference. Varsity stats are kept all throughout the season. The Athens match was back and forth and came down to the very last question. Noah Parpart answered the last question giving us control of the bonus. We ended up beating Athens by one question and securing our win as TOP TEAM IN THE CONFERENCE with a record of 18 wins, 2 losses. Noah Parpart was also honored as the HIGHEST scoring participant in the conference. We have won this award two years in a row with Maggie Doherty winning top scorer in 2024. A huge congratulations to all of the participants who played on the Varsity team at one point or another this season: Maggie Doherty, Joey Jenkins, Patience Woodford, Lily Woodworth, Charity Woodford, Meridith Nixon, Logan Roberts, Liam Doherty, Juan Andrade, Jackson Hamilton, Joey Benhart, and Noah Parpart.
9 days ago, Sarah Cooper
Tomahawk Conference Scores
Scholastic Bowl
Scholastic Bowl Team
Scholastic Bowl Top Scorers
West Doors (Gym Entrance) is the only entrance for the musical at MPHS! Doors open thirty minutes prior to curtain time. We hope to see many people to support our awesome students! Adults $8 Seniors $5 Students $5
9 days ago, Mrs. Fricke
Fresh/Soph Boys Basketball Tournament Starts Tomorrow!
9 days ago, Sarah Cooper
Fr/So BBB Tournament Flyer
Tomahawk Conference Scholastic Bowl Meet at Athens!
10 days ago, Sarah Cooper
2-27 Scholastic Bowl Meet Flyer
Regional Boys Basketball Semifinal Game Tonight!!! Admission: Tickets can be purchased ahead of time using GoFan. Admission prices will be $6.00 per night with GoFan ticket purchases and $7.00 cash ticket at the door. If fans want to purchase the ticket on GoFan, they can do that here ( Live Stream: All games will be live streamed on NFHS
11 days ago, Sarah Cooper
2-26 BBB Regional Semifinal Game
Table Tennis Tournament Information - Saturday, March 29th.
12 days ago, Sarah Cooper
Table Tennis Tournament Flyer
Math Problem of the Week Winner Week #22- Congratulations to Carter Clark
12 days ago, Sarah Cooper
Math Problem of the Week
MPHS is looking for talent to add to our Special Education department for the 2025 - 2026 school year! Check it out:
13 days ago, Mrs. Fricke
We're Hiring!
IHSA Boys Regionals Start Tonight! Hilltoppers Play at Home Tonight! No season passes will be honored for any post season game. All students, faculty, staff, and board members will be required to pay for all post season games. Admission for tonight's regional quarterfinal game will be $6.00.
13 days ago, Sarah Cooper
2-24 BBB Regional Game Flyer
Weekly Mt. Pulaski High School Events - February 24th through March 2nd
16 days ago, Sarah Cooper
MPHS Weekly Events