As a reminder, Friday, March 31st is an 11:30a.m. dismissal. Spring Break will be next week, April 3rd-April 7th. Have a wonderful break!
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Farris
This afternoon there is only one Elkhart bus today, so the route may take a little longer.
almost 2 years ago, Danielle Lora
The 6th graders were able to travel to Heartland Community College to experience a NASA flight simulator. The kids were able to use problem solving skills, and communication skills to make sure their mission was a success. Thank you to PASE for this amazing opportunity. The kids had fun.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Kloba
6th Graders!
Keeping everyone safe
Riding in space shuttle to space station
Command Center
Facts about sleep and nicotine.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Fricke
Register now for a special April Blue Bow Campaign presentation on Zoom: “How Parents/Guardians Can Protect Our Children,” by Brenda Myers-Powell, on April 11: 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Registration is free. You must register to receive the Zoom link. Click HERE. See the attached flyer for all the details and registration. Kidnapped by sex traffickers at 14 and taken out of state, Brenda Myers-Powell thought someone would have noticed something wasn’t right. But no one did. Brenda has much to tell us about how we can protect our children—both boys and girls—from sex trafficking. Brenda is the author of the memoir, Leaving Breezy Street. Brenda Myers-Powell has been featured in numerous print and broadcast media outlets. In addition, she has been a key researcher in several research projects related to violence and the exploitation of women. She is the co-founder and executive director of the Dreamcatcher Foundation, a published author, and an honorable member of The United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking. She was the 2021 recipient of The Bright Promises Foundations Lifetime Achievement Award for being a lifelong advocate for Chicago children and youth
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Fricke
PreK-4th Grade Spring Concert is May 12, 2023 at 2:00pm in the MPGS gym.
almost 2 years ago, Tara McLaughlin
Down by the bay
We learned how to use popits to sound out words today!
almost 2 years ago, Keri Elliott
We learned how to use popits to sound out words today.
The 7th/8th grade band had a great time at the Logan County Band Festival today!
almost 2 years ago, Mr. Pluhm
Image 3
Image 2
Image 1
Today is the last day to order your yearbook! Yearbooks are $18 each. To order your yearbook visit: and enter code 72517G.
almost 2 years ago, Tara McLaughlin
Yearbook order
Schools are always in need of great people willing to help out!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Fricke
Sign Up
3rd Quarter Honor Roll 6th Grade Straight A’s Jerret Bakken, Maebri Bender, Sarah Benhart, Ryder Collier, Elliott Cooper, Kaylee Cowan, Ella Martin, Trey Moore, Kelten Olson, Addilyne Phillips, Jaxson Smith 6th Grade Honors Nathan Matson, Jireh Woodford 6th Grade Honorable Mention Haylee Cowan, Allyson Dorsey, Gesiah Drew, Kaylynn Eskew, Jackson Hebenstreit, Zaiden Lahey, Gibson Rhoades, Maryanna Rhoades, Kaleb Scattergood, Reagan Titus, Lorelei Volle 7th Grade Straight A’s Wesley Bobell, Bella Butler, Kennedy Davis, Skyler Durst, Camrynn Killion, Eva Leonard, Chase Roberts, Olivia Smith, Mariah Stone, Vincent Tabor 7th Grade High Honors Nolan Couve, Gage Hickey, Josie Jones, Haylee Werts 7th Grade Honors Alexis Bishop, Ethan Kern, Reed Martin, Jensen Maschoff, Andrea Noltensmeier, Olivia Trauner 7th Grade Honorable Mention Blake Eskew, Zachary Etter, Jaden Hamilton, Elyssa Marten, Jaice Skeen 8th Grade Straight A’s Keoni Charron, Carter Clark, Audrey Cooper, Claire Cyrulik, Owen Cyrulik, Kaylee Michael, Braden Olson, Kai Selinger, Kaelin Stewart, Piper Tyson, Aaron Volle, Karsyn Wilham, Caden Wyler 8th Grade High Honors Addison Brown, Olivia Cyrulik, Austin Kretzinger, Dean Martin, Logan Roberts, Carter Robinson 8th Grade Honors Marissa Allspach, Kota Clay, Peyton Combs, Jackson Hamilton, Kian Jacobs, Nelson Palmquist, Gracie Phillips, Camden Winkelmann, Jeremiah Woodford 8th Grade Honorable Mention Nathan Berry, Claire Bobell, Jayde Carter, Hawken Clampet, Liam Doherty, Adalynn Jackson, Mackenzie Johnston, Elise Lawson, Jolen Lawson, Hayden Morris, Owen Pulliam, Ethan Stoddard, Raelynn Turner, Jessi Wade, Zeke Wakeman, Brennan Wilkins
almost 2 years ago, Danielle Lora
Honor Roll
Parents please help us out by taking the 5 essential survey!!! We would love to hear from you. Survey will close on March 31st. To take the survey, please visit
almost 2 years ago, Danielle Lora
Check out this Digital Safety Webinar opportunity! Register in advance for this webinar:
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Fricke
Digital Safety
Choir students participated at the Logan County Music Festival on Thursday, March 16 at Hartsburg-Emden JH school.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Parker
Choir students
Thank you from the Book Fair!!
almost 2 years ago, Tara McLaughlin
Junior High Spirit Week for Beat the Blahs March 27-31
almost 2 years ago, Tara McLaughlin
Spirit Week
Our Spring Book Fair and Art Show is tonight, March 16th from 5:30-7:00pm.
almost 2 years ago, Tara McLaughlin
Spring Book Fair and Art Show
Yearbook ordering has been extended! Yearbooks are $18 each. To order your yearbook visit: and enter code 72517G. Orders are due by Wednesday, March 22, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Tara McLaughlin
Yearbook order extension
The Mt Pulaski High School Girls Basketball team are selling bleacher seats as a fund raiser for their summer activities and tournaments. Seats are $60 each Make checks payable to MPHS Boosters Orders are due by April 17th Return forms to Mrs. Cooper at the High School and Ms. Tara at the grade school. see attached order form.
almost 2 years ago, Tara McLaughlin
bleacher seats
It's almost spring! The atrium has flowers blooming!
almost 2 years ago, Keri Elliott
spring flowers blooming in the atrium