Staying Connected: Pics of What We're Doing At Home
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Fricke
Staying Connected: Pics of What We're Doing At Home
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Fricke
Foil Boats
Foil  Boat
3B Students are still working hard, even when they have to work at home! Love seeing their enthusiasm and smiling faces
over 4 years ago, Miss Powell
3B Student working at home
3B Student working at home
3B Student working at home
3B Student working at home
Week 2 - Day 2
over 4 years ago, Mr. Siebert
Week 2 - day 2 game board
Week 2 - day 2 leaderboard
After a week of not seeing each other a 2A zoom session was a perfect chance to catch up and see our friends.
over 4 years ago, Ms. Lex
8 students and Ms. Lex were able to zoom tonight!
4A has been amazing over the course of the first week. They are to do 3 things/activities a day (which they move a space for each activity). Several have gone above and beyond!
over 4 years ago, Mr. Siebert
Week 2 - Monday game board
Week 2 - Monday leader board
1A may not be at school, but they are still working their minds every day. So happy to see their smiling faces!! Keep up the hard work kiddos!!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Przykopanski
Making boats to hold pennies
Science hard at work
Math is fun with Prodigy
Reading to her little sister
Staying Connected: Pics of What We're Doing At Home
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Fricke
Reading Books
Science Activities
Online Learning
Our last game board update from our first week. You are doing AWESOME 4A, keep it up!
over 4 years ago, Mr. Siebert
4A game board - March 20th
4A leaderboard - March 20
I love getting to see all of the experiences that my students have gotten while being at home.
over 4 years ago, Ms. Lex
Measuring the ingredients
Looks delicious!
Love seeing students making music with what they have around the house. This was one of the ideas on the 2-5 Music at Home Bingo Sheet.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Parker
Brothers Eli and Mason are making music with pots and pans.
If you are struggling to get into a schedule, a high school student was kind enough to share their daily family schedule!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Fricke
Daily Schedule
Staying Connected: Pics of What We're Doing At Home
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Fricke
iPad Work
Prek Work
Staying Connected: Pics of What We're Doing At Home
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Fricke
School Work
Fun Outside
Prodigy on the iPad
Working Out
Staying Connected: Pics of What We're Doing At Home
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Fricke
Science Experiments
Lego Challenge
Computer Work
Numbers Pages
Staying Connected: Pics of What We're Doing At Home
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Fricke
Paper Based Activities
Walking the Dog
School Packets
Virtual Field Trip
Social Distancing: Here's what it means.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Fricke
Social Distancing Flyer
They may not be in the classroom but 2A students can still be seen working hard even from home!
over 4 years ago, Ms. Lex
Working on adjectives
Teddy bears make great study partners
Counting money
4A's leader and game board update for today.
over 4 years ago, Mr. Siebert
Game board progress
Leader board update
4A is making a little game out of our weekly assignments. "Aria" is the first around the board. Parents, you can see daily postings each evening on the 4A class page.
over 4 years ago, Mr. Siebert
4A Board Game
4A game leader board