Week 17 and 19 Math Problem of the Week Winners
11 months ago, Sarah Cooper
Math problem of the week winners
Art Club following along to Bob Ross!
11 months ago, Mrs. Lambert
Parents & Guardians - We want to hear your voice! We invite you to take the 5Essentials survey as a parent/guardian of a student in our school. We use the data from the parent report to help improve the school. Without ample parent participation, we do not receive data back to act on. Your opinions matter and we want to use your opinions to improve our school! Link for parents to take the survey: https://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/login/ We are looking for at least 25% parent participation. Every parent/guardian is allowed to take the survey! The survey opened today and closes March 31, 2024. If you have specific questions about the survey, please call 5Essentials Client Services at 1-866-440-1874.
12 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
Weekly Hilltopper Events - January 29th through February 3
12 months ago, Sarah Cooper
MPHS Weekly Schedule
GBB Senior Night!
12 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
senior night
Scholastic Bowl Update: On Thursday, January 18th, MPHS Scholastic Bowl travelled to Delavan where our JV team (photo) had an excellent showing. Captain Charity Woodford, Adison Sanchez, Juan Andrade, and Liam Doherty beat Illini Bluffs 80-40 and Delavan 140-50. The Varsity team beat Delavan 100-90. We travel to Hartem tomorrow to take them on as well as Illini Bluffs and Midwest Central. Fun Facts about scholastic bowl---Both Varsity and JV get the same exact questions. They play at the same time, but in different rooms against different teams (in the end we play the same teams, but in different order) AND our JV team was down a player compared to the other schools---and they almost beat Athens (who is the best team in our conference--they lost by one question) The JV team was fire last week.
12 months ago, Sarah Cooper
JV Scholastic Bowl
Topper Baseball spirit wear is available! You've got 6 days to place your orders! https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/SzXGx4bQrB
12 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
Tuesday, Jan. 23 will be an eLearning day for Mt. Pulaski CUSD 23. Freezing rain is expected into the overnight and temperatures at or near freezing will make morning travel potentially dangerous. All Mt. Pulaski School buildings are closed for in-person learning and students should follow eLearning protocol. Information on evening events and practices will be determined tomorrow. (Further updates will be posted on Facebook , our website and via our automated text/phone/email system. If you are signed up but not receiving notifications, contact your building administrator.)
12 months ago, Sarah Farris
Great news, Toppers! The Multipurpose Entrance has been fixed. Starting tomorrow morning, students should resume the regular routine of using the MP Entrance for school. We will no longer be using or unlocking the southwest door. We will resume use of the MP Entrance for evening sports events as well.
12 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
eLearning Reminders for HS Students
12 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
Monday, Jan. 22 will be an eLearning day for Mt. Pulaski CUSD 23. Freezing rain, expected from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., will make morning, mid-day, and afternoon travel potentially dangerous. All Mt. Pulaski School buildings are closed for in-person learning and students should follow eLearning protocols. Additionally, due to dangerous conditions, all practices and competitions for all student activities are canceled for the day. (Further updates will be posted on Facebook , our website and via our automated text/phone/email system. If you are signed up but not receiving notifications, contact your building administrator.)
12 months ago, Sarah Farris
Weekly Hilltopper Events - January 22 through January 27th
12 months ago, Sarah Cooper
MPHS Weekly Schedule
There will be an informational meeting for anyone interested in joining the Shotgun Shooting Sports Team on Monday, February 5th at 6:00pm in the MPHS Cafeteria.
12 months ago, Sarah Cooper
It's Pack the Gym Night for the Hilltoppers! The west gym entrance will be closed for entrance during the basketball game this evening. It is useable for egress in the event of an emergency, but will not be available for entry into the event. If you park in the main west parking lot, you will enter the building at the far southwest corner. This is our old, back athletics entrance. It is on the end of the building on the right side when facing the west gym entrance. The front doors by the flagpole will also be open. Doors open to the public at 5:30 p.m. FFA will be selling pork chop sandwiches until they run out! Please spread the word if you have friends or relatives who plan to attend that may not check social media.
12 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
pack Gym
The west gym entrance will be closed for entrance during the basketball game this evening. It is useable for egress in the event of an emergency, but will not be available for entry into the event. If you park in the main west parking lot, you will enter the building at the far southwest corner. This is our old, back athletics entrance. It is on the end of the building on the right side when facing the west gym entrance. The front doors by the flagpole will also be open. Doors open to the public at 5:30 p.m.
12 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
Congratulations to this year’s scary story contest winners: 1st place—Lupe Andrade, 2nd place—Nathan Golden, and 3rd place—James Stiner! Congratulations also to our other finalists: Kirsten Lindzy, Tanner Bishop, Abby Jones, Liam Smith, Maggie Doherty, Taylor Smith, Alex Rhoades, Emmalee Kelly, and Patience Woodford!!
12 months ago, Sarah Cooper
Scary Story Winners
The freezing and thawing of the fire suppression (sprinkler) system at the west gym entrance caused a fire alarm and evacuation of the building at approximately 2:45 p.m. today. The fire department investigated the issue, professional cleanup is occurring, and the fire suppression maintenance team has started assessing the issue. While our fire suppression system is not currently functional, we have met all of the alternative protocols set in place by the fire chief to go forward with in-person learning at the high school tomorrow (Thursday, January 18, 2024). That being said, the west multipurpose gym entrance will be closed on Thursday, January 18, 2024. The fire suppression maintenance staff will be focused on making the repairs to get the system up and running in a timely manner. Student and staff drivers will need to enter the high school through the southwest doors (by Mr. Waterkotte’s and Mrs. Campbell’s rooms). Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.
12 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
During 8th hour today, the fire alarm activated and we evacuated the building. Due to the temperatures outside, and the proximity to the end of day, students were allowed into the building to collect their belongings (with the permission of the fire department) and were then allowed to leave for the day. Students left as early as 3:00 p.m. Students who ride a bus were placed on busses at 3:00 p.m. and will arrive home on their usual routes at their regularly scheduled times. All practices at the high school are cancelled for after school.
12 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
MPHS is seeking an additional Special Education teacher beginning next school year! Come join an awesome team! https://www.illinoiseducationjobbank.org/Job-Posting/154030/Special-Education-Teacher/job-details
12 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
Mt. Pulaski schools WILL be in session tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17th. See you then!
12 months ago, Sarah Farris