Tomorrow starts round 2 of our Lunch Menu Tourney. All students will get an email with the new survey tonight, so check your email to participate! Here's the winners of round 1.
I hope everyone is doing well. If anyone is struggling with their mental or emotional health right now, please go to my teacher page, click on MPHS Counseling Dept, and utilize some of resources listed in the announcements. These resources are for children, teens, and adults.
HS Students: Get in on the Lunch Menu Tournament! Check your email for directions on how to participate!
All offices are closed today due to the power outage. Offices will reopen at 8 AM on Tuesday, April 14.
High School Winter Sports pictures are in. Pick up will be from 10 AM until noon on Thursday, April 9, and Tuesday, April 14. To pick up, go to the southwest entrance in the back parking lot. Call the office at 217-792-3209 to tell them whose pictures you are picking up and the pictures will be brought to you at that entrance. Questions/comments? Call the office at 217-792-3209.
We missed our big culture credit project fair, but some are still completing theirs. Looking good, mis hijos🥳
Bricks delivered to the construction site today!
Although I greatly miss the students and working in the shop, it’s great to see them apply their skills at home. This freshmen has been working on fabricating a hitch to be mounted on the back of a John Deere Gator. Nice work!
¡Olé! Teagan Wyss just earned his Seal of Biliteracy!! Congrats, Teagan.
SENIORS--if you have scholarship applications that you need to turn in still let me know. If you are still wanting to apply for some scholarships I can email the application to you--just let me know!
Students and parents, If you have any questions or need anything I am available through email and Zoom (video chat). I hope everyone is staying safe (and sane)! :)
Staying Connected: Pics of What We're Doing At Home
Social Distancing: Here's what it means.
Nutrition students work on garnishing, making apple swans at home, on day 1 of the outage.
With so many uncertainties for all of us, we do not want providing food for our families to be another. Many of our circumstances are changing quickly (jobs, childcare, finances). So, lets continue to work together to get through this!
The local churches and community have come together in this time to help one another. Many people have donated food and money to help meet needs. If you are in need of food, we want you to have it!
TODAY, food will be available from 3-7 p.m. at the front of the Mt. Pulaski Christian Church Family Life Center (114 N. Lafayette).
Just pull on up near the doors, pop your trunk, and I (Casey McCormick) will come out alone and figure out how we can meet your family’s needs. We’ll get you on your way as quickly as possible.
If you need food, but this time doesn’t work, please contact me (Casey McCormick) at 217-331-8471 to make arrangements to get you what you need.
It would be best to get this food into your hands as quickly as possible, as we don’t know what restrictions will be implemented next.
Due to growing concerns over Covid19, Mt. Pulaski Schools will be operating on a half day schedule releasing students at 11:30 AM. Any families choosing to keep their students home from school today will receive an excused absence with no consequences, including high school students seeking to not take finals. Teachers will have home instruction packets available for student pick up by the end of the school day today.
The building will be open during the rest of the week from 8 AM to 1PM daily for families to pick up student supplies and resources. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Per the guidance of the State Superintendent of Education, Dr. Carmen Ayala, ALL in-person school-sponsored activities that were scheduled during the statewide school closure are suspended until school resumes. This includes athletic contests and practices, meetings, award ceremonies, athletic/FFA banquets and events, and other evening events at the schools.
Teachers are busy planning at home activities for the upcoming weeks for students. Expectations will be communicated with students tomorrow. Realizing some parents will choose not to send their children to school tomorrow, these expectations will also be emailed to all parents. If you are a parent that does not utilize TeacherEase, you need to call the school office tomorrow to get your information added to the system in order to receive school emails.
HS office: 217-792-3209
GS office: 217-792-7220
Know the signs. Stay home and contact your doctor if you experience these symptoms.
Governor Pritzker has announced the closure of all Illinois schools from Tuesday, March 17, 2020, through Monday, March 30, 2020.
Mt. Pulaski schools will be in session this Monday, March 16, 2020.
School will resume on Tuesday, March 31, 2020.
Check out Mr. Lamkey’s vlog regarding this closure:
Decisions regarding activities and events will be announced on Monday, March 16, 2020.
We understand you may have questions and want more information. We are working diligently to gather and disseminate information as quickly as possible. The safety of our staff and students of highest priority.