The Dual Credit English Composition 102 class working on their APA Research Papers

We started building shelves for the Market on the Hill grocery store today. We will be making six shelving units for dry groceries, as well as three produce stands. The students and I are excited to start this big community project!

FCCLA members hosting Section 6 Meeting at the FLC.

Juniors and Seniors listened to true, tall tales about Abraham Lincoln today ~ courtesy of his former law partner, Billy Herndon (portrayed by "Fox" Ellis).

Lots of projects taking shape in the Woodworking classes!

Due to construction, MPHS does not have a school library this year, so we’ve been going to the public library as well as borrowing books via inter-library loan (thanks, Mrs. C.!). The freshman classes took advantage of today’s gorgeous weather to walk to the public library.

8th Grade students are visiting elective classes at MPHS this morning to make scheduling decisions for their freshman year!

There’s some 3D printing going on today in the Industrial Arts classroom.

The Driver’s Ed. students are excited to get some driving practice on the snowy roads this morning!

It may be cold outside, but the walls are going up on the new building!